
I glare at the greedy girl in the glass

Always following me.

In rivers and cups and windows I pass

I just can’t shake free.

So I sternly stare in the mirror and frown

She gives me the same look she always does

She looks upright, my world is upside down

Who even is this girl, is she who I once was?

We are both relentlessly damaged, not willing to give

I know she’s not who I am now, so

We play rock paper scissors for who gets to live

Not necessarily in that order though

She libels me on paper, telling me there’s no end to our strife

Throws rocks at the girl staring her dead in the eyes

She uses the scissors to try and completely cut me out of her life

Both still staring, pondering each other’s demise

We are dueling but we know each other’s tricks

Gambling, putting ourselves on the line,

It always seems to end in a draw.

We smile in unison and say, “We are fine”

So I finish getting ready and we go to school again.

by: Laura DeLuca

Feature image credit